How to Prepare your Commercial Landscape
Why Invest in Commercial Landscaping?
A well-maintained and appealing landscape can significantly improve your business. It reflects on how you run your business, and how productive your business is. Most importantly, your curb appeal can grab customers’ attention and create a welcoming environment even before they’ve walked through your doors. However, preparation is key!
How to Prepare for Commercial Landscaping
The exterior aesthetics of your business should be unique to your company and inviting to potential customers. At the same time, when planning for commercial landscaping, you should be mindful of, and understand the requirements and preparation that go into, building a landscape architecture. This includes awareness of and preparation for extreme temperature fluctuations, well-maintained irrigation and drainage systems, understanding of geographical limitations, plant species and characteristics, and maintenance necessities that provide maximum benefit year-round.
Preparing your Commercial Landscape for Varying Seasons
Preparing for commercial landscape according to the season is essential to maintaining an aesthetically pleasing outlook and keeping your budget in check.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when preparing your commercial landscape for the changing weather:
- Come spring, focus on soil rejuvenation and areas affected by winter. This includes thoroughly raking areas with the most salt and sand, giving the soil plenty of water to filter out the salt, and spreading a loam-compost mix before planting any seeds. As a growing medium, a loam-compost mix or other soil mixes allow for healthier growth of plants year-round.
- Springtime brings the most colour, with endless options of plants and flower to improve the look of your landscape, but when you enter into summer, the heat can be too strong for some plants. For this reason, try planting heat-tolerant plants and shrubs. Maintain these plants by giving them plenty of water and fertilizers to retain their beauty and colour.
- Winter preparation begins in the fall. Fall is the ideal time to fertilize grass, trees, flowers, and other vegetation in preparation for next spring. After fertilizing, and before winter arrives, cover most of your plants with commercial mulching to provide protection against cold temperatures and heavy winds.
Get Your Irrigation System Inspected and Ensure Everything is Draining Properly
To avoid unnecessary costly bills due to a damaged or weak irrigation system, it is extremely important to get it inspected and, if required, repaired by a professional. This helps keep future costs low due to prolonged and extensive damage and maintains an efficient environment for healthy plant growth and quality soil.
Complementary to the irrigation system, it is absolutely essential that your property is equipped with a proper drainage system as it can damage the plants, the soil, and your property. Be aware of any pooling of water and excessive soil erosion as it may require a better management system to drain the water. Address these issues before they become bigger and more expensive problems.
Understand the Geographic Location and its Limitations
When designing a landscape plan, is it essential to understand and consider the geographic location and its limitations, including varying soil compositions. You want to use species of plants, trees, and shrubs that will not only add to the overall image you want to present to your customers, but those that will thrive with the underground conditions available to maintain a healthy outlook. While some plant species grow tall, others grow wide or may have deep roots. Knowledge and expertise before planting is key to avoiding overcrowding, competition for limited water, and damage. Soil amendments can also be made to provide more favourable soil conditions for landscaping and infiltration at additional costs.
Commercial landscapers and businesses should also consider local ordinances before planning any commercial landscape.
Consider the Plant Species and Characteristics
Different species of plants, trees, and shrubs thrive in different geographic areas and soil conditions. Plants native to the area are most likely suitable for the extreme temperature fluctuations. When planting non-native plants, you should consider the individual characteristic and limitations of the plant for survival. Experts at Peel Exterior Maintenance will gladly help you make an informed and budget-friendly decision.
Hire a Professional Maintenance Crew
With all the commercial landscape preparation tools and techniques addressed above, hiring an experienced landscape maintenance crew can be enormously beneficial and keep your overall costs low. Everything from watering to weeding, to fertilizing, mulching, cutting, trimming, and cleaning, your trusted maintenance crew can ensure the upkeep of the overhead and underground health of your plants and other landscape décor, and maintain the landscape’s overall aesthetics. A maintenance crew will also provide all the essential seasonal preservation protection to your plants and soil.
An inviting and well-maintained commercial landscape communicates productivity and success of your business, and customers are naturally attracted to more aesthetically pleasing surroundings.
To learn more about how we can help you upgrade your exterior through first-class commercial landscaping, we encourage you to call Peel Exterior Maintenance toll-free at 1-888-265-7214. Mississauga residents can also reach us directly at 905-277-2993 or contact us here. Our professional commercial landscape service is fully equipped to guide you with all your landscaping needs and cost-effective solutions.